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Browsing 'P'

Found 47 entries under 'P'

  1. package (Score: 0)
    A collection of related programs that perform a common function.
  2. packet (Score: 0)
    A unit of data being sent across a serial line or network.
  3. page (Score: 0)
    A 4KB block of memory. The primary unit of memory.
  4. page directory (Score: 0)
    A structure in memory used by the kernel to access page tables.
  5. page fault (Score: 0)
    A hardware event that occurs when a process tries to access a virtual address that is not in physical memory.
  6. page table (Score: 0)
    A structure in memory used by the kernel to access pages.
  7. paging (Score: 0)
    The process by which pages are moved between the hard disk and main memory. Note that the hard disk can mean the...
  8. panic (Score: 0)
    The process the kernel goes through when it cannot deal with an unexpected event.
  9. parallel (Score: 0)
    The process by which data is sent one byte at a time.
  10. parameter (Score: 0)
    A value, typically one that is passed to a program.
  11. parent directory (Score: 0)
    The directory which contains the directory to which you are referring. For example: if you refer to the /etc/http {d...
  12. parent process (Score: 0)
    The process that executed a fork() system call to create a new, child process.
  13. parity (Score: 0)
    An error detection mechanism in which the number of bits is counted and an extra bit is added to make the total number o...
  14. parity bit (Score: 0)
    The extra bit added to make the total number of bits set even for even parity or odd for odd parity.
  15. partition (Score: 0)
    A section of a hard disk, which can be the entire hard disk. The starting location and size of each partition is s...
  16. password (Score: 0)
    A string of characters that you use to confirm your identity when you log in. See encrypted password.
  17. path (Score: 0)
    The set of directories that are needed to reach a specific file. Also referred to as the pathname.
  18. PCI (Score: 0)
    Peripheral Component Interconnect. One of the newer bus types.
  19. PCL (Score: 0)
    Printer Control Language.
  20. peer (Score: 0)
    Another computer at the same 'level' as yours. You can provide services to them and they to you. Computers in this situa...
  21. peripheral (Score: 0)
    A part of the computer other than the CPU or memory. Typically a hardware device connected to the computer such ...
  22. permissions (Score: 0)
    The settings associated with each file or directory that determines who can access the file and directory and what t...
  23. physical memory (Score: 0)
    RAM. Random access or main memory.
  24. PIC (Score: 0)
    Programmable Interrupt Controller. Chip on the motherboard that manages hardware interrupts.
  25. PID (Score: 0)
    Process ID. Unique identifier for a process. This is simply the process' slot number in the process table.
  26. pipe (Score: 0)
    A way of joining commands on the command line where the output of the first command provides the input for the...
  27. polling (Score: 0)
    The process by which a device driver queries a devices for a response rather than waiting for the device to gene...
  28. POST (Score: 0)
    Power-On Self-Test. Diagnostic test that the computer goes through when you first turn it on.
  29. PPID (Score: 0)
    Parent Process ID. The ID of process which started the process being referred to.
  30. PPP (Score: 0)
    Point-to-Point Protocol. networking protocol used across serial lines.
  31. pre-initialized data (Score: 0)
    Variables and other structures within a program that already have their value set before the program is run.
  32. preemption (Score: 0)
    What occurs when a process running on a CPU is replaced by a process with a higher priority.
  33. print queue (Score: 0)
    A queue (waiting line) in which print requests are stored and wait to be sent to the printer.
  34. print spooler (Score: 0)
    The term that describes the files and programs used to manage files to be printed.
  35. printer class (Score: 0)
    Multiple printers that are treated as one destination in order to spread the load more equally.
  36. printer interface scripts (Score: 0)
    shell scripts that actually send the file to the printer.
  37. priority (Score: 0)
    The value that the scheduler calculates to determine which process should next run on the CPU. This is calculated fr...
  38. process (Score: 0)
    An instance of a program that is being executed. Each process has a unique PID, which is that process's entry in...
  39. process table (Score: 0)
    A data structure within the kernel that stores information about all the current processes.
  40. processor (Score: 0)
    A chip within a computer that reads and executes the machines instructions.
  41. program (Score: 0)
    The collection of instructions on a hard disk or other media that represents an application, command, utility and so...
  42. prompt (Score: 0)
    One or more characters or symbols which indicate that the system is ready to accept a command.
  43. protected mode (Score: 0)
    A CPU mode in which mechanisms are implemented to allow or deny access to particular areas of memory. In other words...
  44. protocol (Score: 0)
    A set of rules and procedures used to establish and maintain communication. That can be between hardware or software....
  45. protocol stack (Score: 0)
    A set of protocols that appear to be stacked as one protocol hands off information to another.
  46. protocol suite (Score: 1)
    A collection of related protocols.
  47. pseudo-terminal (Score: 0)
    Also called a pseudo-tty. A device driver that allows one process to communicate with another as if it were a physic...

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