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Found 11 matches for 'device'

  1. block device (Score: 0)
    A hardware device that is accessed with buffering within the operating system. Although such device can be read ...
  2. boot device (Score: 0)
    The device (usually a floppy or a hard disk) from which the system is booted.
  3. bus mastering devices (Score: 0)
    devices which are capable of taking control of the system bus. Also called bus masters.
  4. character device (Score: 0)
    A hardware device that is accessed with no buffering within the operating system. Although such device can be re...
  5. device (Score: 0)
    Any peripheral hardware attached to the system. These are accessed by device drivers through device nodes.
  6. device driver (Score: 0)
    A set of routines internal to the kernel that performs I/O with a peripheral device. Although it is normally a user ...
  7. device file (Score: 0)
    Special files that are the entry points into the device drivers. Also referred to as device node.
  8. device nodes (Score: 0)
    Special files that are the entry points into the device drivers. Also referred to as device files.
  9. dump device (Score: 0)
    The device that the system will write to (if it can) when the system panics.
  10. loopback device (Score: 0)
    A device driver that provides certain functionality without accessing the underlying layers. Typically this is a {devi...
  11. swap device (Score: 0)
    An area on the disk reserved for swapping out portions of processes, if the physical memory available becomes too ...

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